.....she really likes Walt a lot but she doesn't know why there's been no action for a year on this issue. Its really troubling to her and the family......"
So says Gov. Palin's top aide to a police lieutenant as he tries to get the Alaska governor's brother in law fired from his state trooper job. Palin has already flipped and flopped on the issue and is under active investigation, even hiring a private attorney.
-Listen to the call here-
Walt is Public Safety Commissioner, Walt Monegan, who felt that the trooper case had been resolved in official process. The Palin camp didn't think so and there were at least two dozen subsequent contacts with Walt. One of the first was Palin's husband who met Walt Monegan "right after the Governor was elected." Talis J. Colberg is the state Attorney General and also contacted Walt about the trooper.
On July 11, 2008, four months after the call above, Walt Monegan was fired.
Obviously the issue did not endear Walt to Sarah. No doubt her team felt that her perception of the trooper should determine his status. Was he a threat to her? Was he one of the many corrupt state officers she sought to slay? In any case, others disagreed with the governor and had credible grounds to refute the Palin team's wishes.
With a report due in October, the Alaskan legislature's independent investigation could find enough of a trail of rising pressure, inappropriate contacts, and even serious data breaches to justify some action against Palin.
Now tell me again what Jerome Corsi ( interviewed recently 0n 1420 WBSM) said about the Obama staffer whose roommate had a USSR flag when he was a freshman in Cambridge?
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