The Lie
You may have noticed the recent movement of hundreds of tons of Yellowcake from Iraq to a Canadian disposal outlet. Or you may not have, as, according to 1420 WMAR hosts the liberal media have been covering up the newest and best rationale for the invasion and perpetual occupation of Iraq.
Phil Paleologos maintains that this material is the WMD that Bush went to war to secure and the commander in chief has "been vindicated."
Ken Pittman has investigated. He goes one better and says that Bush could've slammed his critics and "vindicated" himself but chose to keep the transport under wraps and "secret" in case Al Queda's super force swooped on the material.
There you have it. According to WMAR, everything your liberal media has been telling you about the war is false.
Heck, even the excuses Pittman and co have made ( Osama had an Iraq operation pre war) are false.
The real reason has surfaced at last, and we need not feel guilt over the death of troops, Iraqis, or the US economy as a result of Bush's three trillion dollar war of choice.
The Truth
Of course, over in the real world, it is reported that these materials were those documented and sealed by the UN weapons inspectors and dates back to before the first Gulf war in 1991. And the movement of the yellow cake was as much a commercial transaction as a national security measure:
".... U.N. inspectors documented and safeguarded the yellowcake, which had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War. There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said."
Further proof that the invasion was the fraud Jeff Beatty says it was. And another reason to dismiss the White Male Angst Radio apologist machine at 1420.
The proof for the invasion that Bush relied on was concocted, exaggerated, and cherry picked. Thats why it is important for our local outrage radio to deny even their own former "proofs" and focus on this obsolete pre-Gulf I yellowcake.
Hilariously, this is the same 500 plus tons of yellowcake that Hannity and GOP Rep Hoekstra pointed to two years ago as "vindication" of Bush corp. I can recall a certain radio host touting the same information back then. As the laughs got louder and the months went by, he instead pointed to some op eds as "proof" of Osama-Saddam links. Thats right, because some editorialist (Rich Hood who went on to work for Ashcroft) said it was true, it was proven. That's some quality investigation and a good reason to kill off 4000 troops.
Now, he alone has found vindication for Bush and knows that Bush kept his own vindication super secret to save us all from the Al Queda yellow cake fairy.
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