Monday, July 28, 2008
Constantines sword- Paul's word
It seems that for those local radio mavens who are fond of googling select pieces of the Koran to lie about Muslims, a closer examination of the Bible and Christian practice is needed.
There is little point putting forward claims that Muslims are deceptive killers based on Koran quotes. After all, it's hardly a new revelation that the Bible has bee used in an equally selective manner. Throughout history, many Christian missionaries justified modifying Christian doctrine by quoting St. Paul, who had made himself "all things to all men for the winning of souls to Christ."
Monday, July 21, 2008
Newest WBSM lie about Iraq
The Lie
You may have noticed the recent movement of hundreds of tons of Yellowcake from Iraq to a Canadian disposal outlet. Or you may not have, as, according to 1420 WMAR hosts the liberal media have been covering up the newest and best rationale for the invasion and perpetual occupation of Iraq.
Phil Paleologos maintains that this material is the WMD that Bush went to war to secure and the commander in chief has "been vindicated."
Ken Pittman has investigated. He goes one better and says that Bush could've slammed his critics and "vindicated" himself but chose to keep the transport under wraps and "secret" in case Al Queda's super force swooped on the material.
There you have it. According to WMAR, everything your liberal media has been telling you about the war is false.
Heck, even the excuses Pittman and co have made ( Osama had an Iraq operation pre war) are false.
The real reason has surfaced at last, and we need not feel guilt over the death of troops, Iraqis, or the US economy as a result of Bush's three trillion dollar war of choice.
The Truth
Of course, over in the real world, it is reported that these materials were those documented and sealed by the UN weapons inspectors and dates back to before the first Gulf war in 1991. And the movement of the yellow cake was as much a commercial transaction as a national security measure:
".... U.N. inspectors documented and safeguarded the yellowcake, which had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War. There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said."
Further proof that the invasion was the fraud Jeff Beatty says it was. And another reason to dismiss the White Male Angst Radio apologist machine at 1420.
The proof for the invasion that Bush relied on was concocted, exaggerated, and cherry picked. Thats why it is important for our local outrage radio to deny even their own former "proofs" and focus on this obsolete pre-Gulf I yellowcake.
Hilariously, this is the same 500 plus tons of yellowcake that Hannity and GOP Rep Hoekstra pointed to two years ago as "vindication" of Bush corp. I can recall a certain radio host touting the same information back then. As the laughs got louder and the months went by, he instead pointed to some op eds as "proof" of Osama-Saddam links. Thats right, because some editorialist (Rich Hood who went on to work for Ashcroft) said it was true, it was proven. That's some quality investigation and a good reason to kill off 4000 troops.
Now, he alone has found vindication for Bush and knows that Bush kept his own vindication super secret to save us all from the Al Queda yellow cake fairy.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Right wing radio's all about tha' money
Playboy magazine has a product, McDonalds has a product. Both are gratuitous and in much demand. The slick and fast product at 1420 WMAR is outrage and anti intellectualism. Let's face it, everyone likes to be outraged. That's what so called Republican radio peddles: outrage. Like a toxic sludge factory in a kid's movie, they don't care what the side effects are or who they hurt.
Spend a week on a teacher in Indiana who said something bad about Israel. Cut Wesley Clark's recent statement in half to reverse its very meaning. Claim Rachel Ray supports terrorists( see this wonderful letter on Rachel Ray ). Claim someone, somewhere is attacking God, slam a college newspaper for slandering Pat Tillman ( ignore Pentagon cover up of Tillman's death), fight the noble defense in a war on Xmas and the Easter bunny.
Right wing outrage is the new political correctness. Pathetic premises and pitiful targets are the key. Locally, you can beat up on illegals (as diseased deadbeat dads) and even the local symphony orchestra - based on your own misunderstandings.
Of course , it's all about the money.
WMAR 1420 hosts sell restaurant menus ( after the 8 minute commercials) and retirement homes. Bill O'Reilly sells mattresses, and Rush Limbaugh admits that his "first goal is to attract the largest possible audience so I can charge confiscatory ad rates. I happen to have great entertainment skills, but that enables me to sell airtime." The New York Times also reports that "at a much higher rate he will weave a product into his monologue."
Push the hate, consolidate the market, and press squeeze for profit.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Jack Spillane so wrong on Iraq
Dear Jack,
Just a few thoughts on your outrageous Iraq claims. Bizzarely, one cant get a comment posted on your "local" blog if it dares critique:
You said that most Americans are more concerned with "the way the war has been fought" rather than standing in opposition to the war per se. One wonders where you got this from, given that you said it a day or two before the longshoremen shut down the Pacific coastline in opposition to the war. Of course, this event was strangely underreported by your owner NewsCorp as opposed to 24 -7 coverage of Rev. Wright and Obama's real estate**. Are you saying that Americans are unconcerned with the costs in blood, treasure, and US legitimacy that Bush's unnecessary war has prompted? Are Americans willing to forget the blatant pre-war deception* ( of course your slogan is that Bush didn't lie ...and they died) , the shifting rationales, the perpetual recourse to "six more months", the backing of various ethnic factions in Iraq, the ongoing sabre rattling and threatmaking, the debilitating health of the military?
I guess not. I guess it's just a minor strategic quandary that Americans find themselves in. If only we had won, caught all the bad guys and created Utopia then it would have been the right decision. After all, millions of pre-war protesters, a majority of elected democrats, US Mayors and former National Security officials, 2006 voters, Nobel prize winners and soldiers who have been steadfastly against invading and occupying Iraq in polls, press and protest are easily ignored when you stress over those Iraqis "waiting us out."
And as for polls, who cares if, in 2006, Zogby found that 90%, almost all, US troops thought the war was retaliation for the Iraqi role in 9-11. Where did they get that from? Any ideas who spent millions in a slick propaganda campaign ( your owner News Corp didn't really cover the Pentagon Pundits scandal) to spread these lies? Where would Harry Truman have the buck stop for these lies? Let's find out with some Cartesian logic:
They died, were dismembered or had brain trauma by the thousands. 90% died believing a lie. So, quod erat demonstrandum, Bush fed them that lie.
The best thing you can do is disregard and devalue troops, Arab lives or the health of the US and just claim that "Iraq was probably a good number 2 in the War on Terrra" ( WMAR 1420 Host).
* Despite your favorite WaPo columnist finding "substantiations" for some Bush WMD claims, the Downing Street, Aznar and Sands memos all show that Bush was building a case for war versus responding to a discovered threat. As the recent ( and long delayed) Senate report showed and substantiated, countervailing evidence was buried and ignored. That's deception, lying. When its costs the skin, limbs, brains, lives of 19 year olds it's a crime. Get it?
** You have, apparently, solved the Obama real estate riddle and we will not require a $70 million Whitewater type investigation. Despite Obama buying a million dollar plus house after he secured a million dollar book deal, you claim there was likely "a loan" from some Countrywide folks in the mix. In a 'case closed' style, you also claim, falsely, that Obama purchased the place at 30% below the ask. In fact, a closer look would reveal that , in submitting the highest bid, Obama came in at 15% under the ask. I'm sure your clarifications will come with your searing and comparable analysis of McCain.
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