Sunday, June 13, 2010

Standard Times on Flotilla

In the wake of the may 30th, 2010 Flotilla attack, Ehud Shev Tov an Israeli TV editor says that Israeli media will not show raid protests led by Israeli citizens in Israel. The Israeli commandos took all video and recording equipment from the Mavi passengers it kidnapped. The IDF then released highly edited footage, some of which included photos that were three years old and dialogue that was months old - purporting that it came from May 30th.

If this propaganda tapestry that has dominated US coverage were not bad enough, the New Bedford Standard Times editor Bob Unger has, this week, been pondering the connections between a Jewish critic of Israel and Nazis, and talk about ovens as opposed to any discussion of international law, Arab positions, the World Health Organization or actual Israeli human rights advocates.

Why oh why do they hate us???
A letter writer has the nerve to point out the international consensus and concern, over 1.5 million people the Israeli Defense forces want to "put on a diet." The Standard Times response is to talk about ovens and Nazis. This is through the looking glass where the oppressor is the victim.