Much has been made of Tom Daschle's bipartisan health care plan, with the dominant narrative holding that this undercuts Obama's efforts to craft a broader federal health care plan. In truth, the debate between Obama and Daschle's plan is non existent.
Afterall, Obama is not proposing "national health care" or "government run health care". During the campaign and now he never proposed even touching the security of private insurance profits. That's off the table.
With this closer look, ask what are the real differences between Obama and Daschle? Former Obama nominee Daschle is a tax dodging, de facto employee of those privateer middle men who would lose out on real public insurance for private health care. That he was considered by Obama and is now working to dilute any federal insurance shows how compromised Obama's plan always was. It is even more likely to be once private interests work their lobby magic.
Private insurers are hardly worried. As with any legislative initiative, they are eager to mobilize to bilk the government once again. The GOP campaign to paint any national insurance as socialized, national care with rationing is the other ace in the hole for Big Insurance. This "debate" makes big money DLC hacks seem like they are fighting the good fight. The game is rigged.
The overwhelming desire amongst nurses unions, many doctors, and the public at large for single payer insurance for private care remains a victim of our one corporate party political culture and Obama is part of the problem, not the solution. Did you guys not watch Sicko??