Pakistani children write ' Peace and 2010 ' on the sand as the sunsets at Clifton beach in Karachi, Pakistan on Thursday, Dec. 31, 2009.(AP)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Pakistani New Year Wish
Pakistani children write ' Peace and 2010 ' on the sand as the sunsets at Clifton beach in Karachi, Pakistan on Thursday, Dec. 31, 2009.(AP)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Truth Behind Xmas assaults leaks out
Obama's war escalation.
December has been a bloody month in the so-called Global War on Terror. In the past week, 10-20 civilians, many children, have been killed in Coalition operations in Afghanistan. Slaughter by the Taliban also continues via suicide and roadside bombs, with at least 8 US civilians and four Canadian soldiers killed.
In the video and picture below, Afghans are peacefully protesting these Coalition killings of civilians. It is worth noting that the killings of Coalition forces go hand in hand with Afghan civilian losses. Clearly, there is a cycle of violence that undermines Obama's plan to increase and escalate the Afghan war.

Peaceful protests against Obama's war
December also saw the expansion of the global war with missile strikes on Houthi rebels in Yemen. Again, the very fact that Obama is assaulting Yemeni villages undermines the entire rationale for the Iraq and Afghani occupations. Another cycle of violence emerges with a Yemeni launched terror attempt on an airliner on Christmas day. Characteristically, the media have been very reluctant to link the two incidents or mention the thousands of Yemenis who peacefully protested these actions.

Exceptions to the rulers
There are some brief exceptions, where informed commentators have managed to ask penitent questions about the effect of the global war on terror and the motivations of terrorists.
In the video below, at 5.30 mins in, Ron Paul claims that Al Queda is the main beneficiary of a War on Terror that drains the US treasury and provides ample motivation for Al Queda members. "We have fallen into Osama's trap", says Paul. For this he is called an anti-Semite by Ben Stein.
Liberals call for blankets
In fact, the debate has not bothered with terrorist motivations but has focused on the security blankets that Homeland Security should be providing. Despite the Standard Times editorializing that we must build a better security mouse trap it is clear that terrorists will always strive to find new ways to attack and overcome security. In the video below, CIA vet Bob Baer describes how incendary devices need not be complex in nature and can be undetectable regardless of security appartus applied. Every civilization has known that there is no perfect guard against fire.
CIA intelligence versus AM radio
Neither is there a perfect system that will allow us to forget about the context of the immense Bush/Obama assaults. Without even touching upon morality and international law, it would be far better to ask why trillions of dollars are dedicated to occupations that seem to have a net negative security outcome?
Little surprise that the local GOP heroes, fresh from fighting the war on Christmas, claim that the ups and downs of the Global War on Terror ("minor battles fought along the way") are irrelevant to the big picture of "Political Correctness / Western Guilt " on the homefront. Letters to the editor about Islam and articles on sites like Front Page Mag and AWorld Net Daily are the real battleground.
Again, on Hardball on 12-28-09, CIA vet Bob Baer has a different take, saying ( at 7.30 mins) in the video below: "We need fewer troops in the Middle East..there's no help...we have to kill Muslims, we have an army in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in Iraq...but the more Muslims we kill, the more enemies we have this just becomes a never ending cycle, thats what worries me.....We have to find a way to get out of these wars as fast as we can."
New Year's resolutions
So, in 2010, who should we listen to?
A president who flees to the easy militarily option at every shriek from the right wing?
Liberals at the Standard Times who fantasize about a perfect security blanket and ignore the trillion dollar war elephant?
Right wing talk show generals who obsess over Muslims in the blogosphere?
Or an intelligence operative who has assessed the nature of the small terrorist cells we are facing and proposes a way to address them?
December has been a bloody month in the so-called Global War on Terror. In the past week, 10-20 civilians, many children, have been killed in Coalition operations in Afghanistan. Slaughter by the Taliban also continues via suicide and roadside bombs, with at least 8 US civilians and four Canadian soldiers killed.
In the video and picture below, Afghans are peacefully protesting these Coalition killings of civilians. It is worth noting that the killings of Coalition forces go hand in hand with Afghan civilian losses. Clearly, there is a cycle of violence that undermines Obama's plan to increase and escalate the Afghan war.
Peaceful protests against Obama's war
December also saw the expansion of the global war with missile strikes on Houthi rebels in Yemen. Again, the very fact that Obama is assaulting Yemeni villages undermines the entire rationale for the Iraq and Afghani occupations. Another cycle of violence emerges with a Yemeni launched terror attempt on an airliner on Christmas day. Characteristically, the media have been very reluctant to link the two incidents or mention the thousands of Yemenis who peacefully protested these actions.
Exceptions to the rulers
There are some brief exceptions, where informed commentators have managed to ask penitent questions about the effect of the global war on terror and the motivations of terrorists.
In the video below, at 5.30 mins in, Ron Paul claims that Al Queda is the main beneficiary of a War on Terror that drains the US treasury and provides ample motivation for Al Queda members. "We have fallen into Osama's trap", says Paul. For this he is called an anti-Semite by Ben Stein.
Liberals call for blankets
In fact, the debate has not bothered with terrorist motivations but has focused on the security blankets that Homeland Security should be providing. Despite the Standard Times editorializing that we must build a better security mouse trap it is clear that terrorists will always strive to find new ways to attack and overcome security. In the video below, CIA vet Bob Baer describes how incendary devices need not be complex in nature and can be undetectable regardless of security appartus applied. Every civilization has known that there is no perfect guard against fire.
CIA intelligence versus AM radio
Neither is there a perfect system that will allow us to forget about the context of the immense Bush/Obama assaults. Without even touching upon morality and international law, it would be far better to ask why trillions of dollars are dedicated to occupations that seem to have a net negative security outcome?
Little surprise that the local GOP heroes, fresh from fighting the war on Christmas, claim that the ups and downs of the Global War on Terror ("minor battles fought along the way") are irrelevant to the big picture of "Political Correctness / Western Guilt " on the homefront. Letters to the editor about Islam and articles on sites like Front Page Mag and AWorld Net Daily are the real battleground.
Again, on Hardball on 12-28-09, CIA vet Bob Baer has a different take, saying ( at 7.30 mins) in the video below: "We need fewer troops in the Middle East..there's no help...we have to kill Muslims, we have an army in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in Iraq...but the more Muslims we kill, the more enemies we have this just becomes a never ending cycle, thats what worries me.....We have to find a way to get out of these wars as fast as we can."
New Year's resolutions
So, in 2010, who should we listen to?
A president who flees to the easy militarily option at every shriek from the right wing?
Liberals at the Standard Times who fantasize about a perfect security blanket and ignore the trillion dollar war elephant?
Right wing talk show generals who obsess over Muslims in the blogosphere?
Or an intelligence operative who has assessed the nature of the small terrorist cells we are facing and proposes a way to address them?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
PI Pittman breaks Xmas scandal
Patriot Ken Pittman sacrificed his own Christmas vacation to break the latest White House Scandal, a picture of Andy Warhol's Mao portrait on one of 800 Xmas Tree balls at the White House:

Of course, this was not a Pittman exclusive. This was a breaking Fox News segment, the Drudge Report Headline, and an EXCLUSIVE by Anrew Breitbart's blog. WOW!! It's almost as if the Republican media coordinate and borrow from each other in an effort to create unflattering scandals that slur the president. Weird!!!
Of course, this was not a Pittman exclusive. This was a breaking Fox News segment, the Drudge Report Headline, and an EXCLUSIVE by Anrew Breitbart's blog. WOW!! It's almost as if the Republican media coordinate and borrow from each other in an effort to create unflattering scandals that slur the president. Weird!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
9-11 hate, lies and spin..Its WBSM

Arbiter of all that is Right and good, Ken Pittman used his on air broadcast and blog ( see pic) to slam the New Bedford Standard Times for supressing and "censoring" news of the 9-12-09 "9-11 unity/protest Obama" Tea Party in Washington D.C. on Saturday.
Times covers Tea Party
However, as the picture below shows, the 1420 WMAR host is spinning a lie again. The event was covered in full by the Times,
including a flattering piece about Mass. residents. It is clear that the Standard Times gave coverage of local and national Tea Partiers far above WBSM.
However, just like his "9-11 memorial" show, Pittman paints right wingers as the victims while assaulting the supposed meanness of liberals. On Friday's memorial, Pittman argued that 9-11 should be memorialized respectfully and proceeded to attack Obama for turning 9-11 into a horrifying "day of national service." In truth, Obama merely endorsed the Bush/Congress plan for for a day of service.
Its 9-11, vote Scott!!!!
Following a tastefully timed political infomercial by Sen. Scott Brown, The host moved on to an attack on Carl Levin for wanting to discuss troop increases in the Afghan War ( a forgotten war fought by non south coast GOP members). Nancy Pelosi was next, slammed as "someone who would be an isolationist" if we were back in WW2.
You really gotta love that 9-12 spirit of American unity that Glenn Beck wants to spread!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
O'Reilly edits Frank tape to smear
Continuing his personal jihad against the Mass. Congressman, O'Reilly has overlooked Lyndon LaRouche supporter Rachel Brown's labeling of Obama as a Nazi promoting a Nazi policy. O'Reilly's tape cuts in just in time to catch the Nazi remark, but O'Reilly leaves with impression that she is merely one of many that questions Democratic health care policy.
On Last night's factor, O'Reilly went on to cover up the fact that Rachel Brown was a LaRouche team member calling her "a political activist". FYI - That poster she holds is also a pic of Obama as Hitler.
***UPDATED*** Huffington Post / daily Kos clearly shows how Fox News ignores "protesters" and their slurs and promotes any negative interpretation of Democrats. Its called propaganda people:
Limbaugh smears Frank, appluads Nazi smear, Larouche team.
"This is fabulous"!!!! _ Rush Limbuagh
On Last night's factor, O'Reilly went on to cover up the fact that Rachel Brown was a LaRouche team member calling her "a political activist". FYI - That poster she holds is also a pic of Obama as Hitler.
***UPDATED*** Huffington Post / daily Kos clearly shows how Fox News ignores "protesters" and their slurs and promotes any negative interpretation of Democrats. Its called propaganda people:
Limbaugh smears Frank, appluads Nazi smear, Larouche team.
"This is fabulous"!!!! _ Rush Limbuagh
GOP Storm Frank Meeting
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Birthers Pittman & Hannity
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Obama Healthcare Zero.
Much has been made of Tom Daschle's bipartisan health care plan, with the dominant narrative holding that this undercuts Obama's efforts to craft a broader federal health care plan. In truth, the debate between Obama and Daschle's plan is non existent.
Afterall, Obama is not proposing "national health care" or "government run health care". During the campaign and now he never proposed even touching the security of private insurance profits. That's off the table.
With this closer look, ask what are the real differences between Obama and Daschle? Former Obama nominee Daschle is a tax dodging, de facto employee of those privateer middle men who would lose out on real public insurance for private health care. That he was considered by Obama and is now working to dilute any federal insurance shows how compromised Obama's plan always was. It is even more likely to be once private interests work their lobby magic.
Private insurers are hardly worried. As with any legislative initiative, they are eager to mobilize to bilk the government once again. The GOP campaign to paint any national insurance as socialized, national care with rationing is the other ace in the hole for Big Insurance. This "debate" makes big money DLC hacks seem like they are fighting the good fight. The game is rigged.
The overwhelming desire amongst nurses unions, many doctors, and the public at large for single payer insurance for private care remains a victim of our one corporate party political culture and Obama is part of the problem, not the solution. Did you guys not watch Sicko??
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Real American takes on radio tough guy Chickenhawks
Strangely enough, this wasn't linked by the Drudge report. Perhaps the most pathetic part is at 2 minutes in where Limbaugh is telling a veteran about his "Operation Chaos." Despite interrogation fatalities at Bagram and in Iraq, Limbaugh claims not to know of any fatalities from torture. Nor will he even entertain the issue, instead claiming that the Marine on the line is "ignorant" who knows "diddly squat."
Sunday, April 5, 2009
It's all about E1
"Supporters of Israel" may continue to describe the Israeli-Palestinian dispute as some sort of clash of civilizations between barbarity or enlightenment or may see dialogue and "extremist" rhetoric as the most compelling issues.
In fact, land tenure is, was and will be the only issue at stake.
The ascension of Lieberman and Netanyahu to power in Israel means less feel good dialogue with Fatah and Abbas but more significantly, it greenlights the latest West Bank colonization: The E1 settlement.
The pictures below show (1)religious students who have laid claim to Palestinian land in the E1 area, creating "facts on the ground"; (2)a map of the E1 area, showing how it bisects or cantonizes Palestinian land -making a state impossible; and (3)an approved road for Palestinians, ensuring they do not pollute the new settlement.

In fact, land tenure is, was and will be the only issue at stake.
The ascension of Lieberman and Netanyahu to power in Israel means less feel good dialogue with Fatah and Abbas but more significantly, it greenlights the latest West Bank colonization: The E1 settlement.
The pictures below show (1)religious students who have laid claim to Palestinian land in the E1 area, creating "facts on the ground"; (2)a map of the E1 area, showing how it bisects or cantonizes Palestinian land -making a state impossible; and (3)an approved road for Palestinians, ensuring they do not pollute the new settlement.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Afghanistan - Almost Free!!!
Despite suspicions that the row is a first shot against Hamid Karzai's less than pliant leadership, Barack Obama is to be credited for his support of women's rights in Afghanistan. His predecessor (George Bush, remember Media?) would be unlikely to ruffle feathers of his favored puppets in Iraq, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately, Obama is less inclined to break with Bush over the so called war against the Taliban, Al Queda or whomever.
This renewed folly comes despite the fact that NATO allies are very cool on a broadened commitment, with Canada and Italy threatening to withdraw troops - using the women's rights legal row as a pretext. Furthermore, Allies like Portugal, Greece and Croatia are exempted from serving in danger areas. Little doubt then that the 38,000 US troops (close to 70,000 with Obama's expansion) will bear the brunt of fighting in hotspots like Hemland province.
The media have done a good job belittling the mostly peaceful G20 protesters and have declined to report on their messages with any substance. However, worldwide protests go beyond G20 meetings and also focus on NATO's 60 anniversary, its Afghan commitment and the incompatibility of this plan with democratic intent in Europe and the US. Fact is, elite and popular opinion in Arab, Western, and NATO nations, as well as the US and Afghanistan are expressly against this escalation. Platitudes about women's rights fade amid this affront to democracy.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Stimulus Truth, Radio Fiction **
**All GOP lies mentioned below have been a prominent feature on WBSM local radio.
GOP fed media have mislead on Economic Recovery Plan ( Stimulus), devised stories about non existent earmarks and pork, and conflated the Plan with Housing Relief and TARP initiatives.
In truth the Stimulus is very simple and uncontroversial. The following are two succinct reports on the Stimulus, its basic Keynesian multiplier rationale, and the specific areas it targets:
GOP minions have also tried to bury the bill's tax cut - largest tax cut in US history - in favor of lies about marsh mice and lies about Harry Reid and rail. In fact, according to the Globe, "the signature two-year "Making Work Pay" tax break will affect 95 percent of working families, and, in six weeks' time, a typical family will start taking home at least $65 more every month."
As Frank Rich pointed out several weeks ago, this Herbert Hooverism plays well in the blogosphere but earns negative equity amongst the public at large. As David Frum admits below, the GOP is not trusted, has minus 8 years of integrity, and is deaf to the public thirst for "solutions first." Even the immediate payroll tax relief he proposes is part of Obama's plan.
Frum is engaged in true patriotism and party loyalty, not convenient dissent and blind party allegiance. Here's an example of the latter, where a SouthCoast GOPer ignores his party's foibles and paints his actions as principled and patriotic. Oh, and as befits a WBSM fan, he lies about the Stimulus by peddling a partial CBO study.
GOP fed media have mislead on Economic Recovery Plan ( Stimulus), devised stories about non existent earmarks and pork, and conflated the Plan with Housing Relief and TARP initiatives.
In truth the Stimulus is very simple and uncontroversial. The following are two succinct reports on the Stimulus, its basic Keynesian multiplier rationale, and the specific areas it targets:
GOP minions have also tried to bury the bill's tax cut - largest tax cut in US history - in favor of lies about marsh mice and lies about Harry Reid and rail. In fact, according to the Globe, "the signature two-year "Making Work Pay" tax break will affect 95 percent of working families, and, in six weeks' time, a typical family will start taking home at least $65 more every month."
As Frank Rich pointed out several weeks ago, this Herbert Hooverism plays well in the blogosphere but earns negative equity amongst the public at large. As David Frum admits below, the GOP is not trusted, has minus 8 years of integrity, and is deaf to the public thirst for "solutions first." Even the immediate payroll tax relief he proposes is part of Obama's plan.
Frum is engaged in true patriotism and party loyalty, not convenient dissent and blind party allegiance. Here's an example of the latter, where a SouthCoast GOPer ignores his party's foibles and paints his actions as principled and patriotic. Oh, and as befits a WBSM fan, he lies about the Stimulus by peddling a partial CBO study.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Barry Richards lies again.
Robert Sands (
Sent: Fri 1/16/09 12:31 PM
I am very curious as to what you are going to do when you realize that the Drudge propagated story about Obama's inaugural cost is debunked. Truth is, the cost will be comparable, if not less in adjusted dollars than Bush's party. How will you reflect on the inordinate time spent on a lie? Afterall, as you say yourself, there are serious issues going on.
New Bedford
Sent: Fri 1/16/09 12:31 PM
I am very curious as to what you are going to do when you realize that the Drudge propagated story about Obama's inaugural cost is debunked. Truth is, the cost will be comparable, if not less in adjusted dollars than Bush's party. How will you reflect on the inordinate time spent on a lie? Afterall, as you say yourself, there are serious issues going on.
New Bedford
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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